Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ah, yes it's February again..

We've experienced severe white outs ....IN TOWN. I have driven several times to work...in weather that looks manageable ..then high winds happen and NO VISIBILITY. A horrid feeling. At work people were trying to find the parking lot...and ended up on the lawn!! It was very disorienting.
Each day is different than the one previous.. one day of rest...and no snow storms...then fierce storms with lots of snow.. Bruce loses work as the highways have been closed more times this winter than last.

So glad we got our new snowblower when we did.. it hasn't been dormant much.
It's pretty when you don't need to travel... Travelling takes extra effort and planning. So far the Matrix has been fabulous. Think Spring..Think Spring. Think Mexico... hmmm
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Leslie said...

Ahh the annual winter pictures from Owen Sound..the ones where I go "sigh...glad it isn't me".

But not this year my friend...you still get 1st prize for winter over us but the in-town white-outs are horrible, lots of days when I can't see half-way across the field, our little street is getting narrower and narrower.

I was going to take a picture of the garden today because last weeks picture showed a river under the garden bench..today the bench is lost under the snow drift.

It WILL be over...soon. "February is the cruelist month" said someone - Browning, Keates LOL I don't know, some poet said that.

I am grateful I don't have to drive, but all my loved-ones do, so I don't even get to enjoy the weather without worry...oh sigh

Ooops this was supposed to be a "comment", not a discertation.

Browner said...

Wow. that's a lot of snow.
see leslie, now THAT'S a comment!
lovely pictures.. I meant to take a few down here too.. but I find myself NOT wanting to go outside when it is like that.. lol