Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yep, I'm back...must show my weeding...

Glorious greens, fresh, varied, growing and filling in the gaps... back is tre' sore...gluts too...bend, pull, dig dig.... ahhhhh... a space...no weeds... onward.

Colour, peeking through, awakening from the slumber, old leaves ..make way for new leaves.. the sun has been here.. it's gone for today...yet I know it will be back. Nature truly is amazing..
I removed some old growth and now must fill the gap.... Rododendrons...eventually withered away..winter in my front yard is just too much for them.. lasted 3 years... This is mostly a shade garden...as Gwynda gets all the sun..!!! boo... for us..
Walkway ready for a visit.....
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