Sunday, July 06, 2008

Ah, it's beautiful July .....great place to read..relax and think...

A favourite reading spot....and eating breakfast spot...
This is my Datura nursery.... yep... I found my old seeds locked safely away...and imagine...they germinated after 5 years!! I've now divided them up into various spots around the hopefully grow into the fun plants they are... (also..poisonous...if eaten... we don't...)
Something new for me...a hanging tomato plant.. Elyse left this device with me last year before China...and so I've tried it out. Must remember to fertilize it the peat doesn't house the nutrients... I've got 1 tomato on it already!! Hope it grows further...
After the old pond liner sprung a few holes...and finally bit the dust...Bruce had tried placing this formed pond back in the place of the old "pond hole" ...never quite worked and it was WAY at the BACK of the yard...and we didn't visit it much.. (mosquito's not nice either..) So it seemed far more pleasing to maybe have the pond in the middle of the we can enjoy a wee bit of water works...while relaxing on the deck.... So this is the first fill....after the high school kids dug out the dirt... it's pretty level!
More photo's later...

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1 comment:

Leslie said...

This is a beautiful shot that shows just how BIG your garden is! No wonder you need help. I like the pond.