Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Bloom......just now...

This week the front yard is blooming the capuccino lilies...I bought from the OS market last year.... and they came back! It's such a thrill to find a new bloom here and there....

I've been s l o w l y working through the back 40... chiselling out the clumps of clay...reinforcing with topsoil...bonemeal..mulch... dividing up some mature plants to hopefully spread over the barren parts...ripping out old brush, chopping down renigade bushes with spikes!

Would like to remove a couple of larger trees as well to gain some light... but they don't belong to me...

It's beginning to look like there may be hope for a garden completion this year....... and man, am I sore!! Chair massage tonight!!

Yesterday: Datura bud awaits blooming

Tonight: A bloom...
Many more to come

The hydranga is covered with huge puff ball blooms ...very white and fresh looking. This bush variety is a solid annual event...I just put in a different variety that is more like a tree shape and blooms "cones" of white-ish pink edged flowers on a red stalk. I think it will look great, if it's happy in it's new home..

This is a photo of the grapes hanging on the arbour...these are strictly for the birds...too sour for human...yet they look regal... fyi...they're green grapes... and the vines are full of them.

Cranesbill.... seem to love the back garden...yet they do get very chopped yesterday....

delicate and colourful.

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I'm grateful for the ability to work in the soil, improve my space and replenish the earth...even if it's only in the area's surrounding my home. Simple joys.. and colour...

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