Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh, it's going to be a l o n g winter.....

Looked out the back
Can still see the wrought iron "sol" smiling at me in the garden
Snow has climbed all the way up to it's chin...
I won't fret though
Gazing at the pure sparkling white
It will someday nourish my plants...and for now they are protected.
And it is their cycle... their time to rest...
I'm working on other projects now to keep flexible...
Yet I do miss the freedom of the coming and the going and fresh air.
It's more work just to 'get' outside..covering, bundling...digging, piling...scraping...
This has not been the Fall promised in the "farmers almanac"....
Maybe the piled snow will insulate us and the heating bill will fall...??... nah...

I went outside for an hour or so...and dug out a clear path....watered my neighbours inside plants...cuz she's basking in Thailand....right now... lucky duck..
When I came out from my plant visit...there was 4 more inches on the
ground and it's not stopping!!

Corkscrew Hazel nestled in for the winter....

Visibility... nil.... whiteouts on our street!...
One way is no better than the other way...

So, I'm doing inside projects..... and eating..way too much..!

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Leslie said...

lovely pictures.....especially the white-out on 4th Ave. E.

I just wonder why winter ALWAYS seems longer than the warmer months and yet it isn't...really.

Browner said...

The pictures.. the stories.. the crafts.. just awesome!
my favourite picture is the corkscrew plant in the snowy background.. lovely stuff!